88 research outputs found

    A new paradigm of the EU regional development in the context of the Poland’s National Spatial Development Concept

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    New factors inspiring spatial and regional policies in Poland have come out in the recent years. They complement the traditional, hardly spatial, paradigm of the socio-economic development with the concept of place-based economics. The paradigm shift was possible largely thanks to the contributions and inspiration from World Bank as well as the OECD. Additionally, new economic geography has contributed to that. New economic geography underlines the importance of space and its management for the enhancement of growth and development as well as for the formation of economic profiles of the regions or countries. In the EU member states the process has been facilitated by the entering into force of the Reformed Treaty (known as the Lisbon Treaty) which complements the social and economic cohesion with a new dimension of the territorial cohesion. A better understanding of the condition and tendencies of spatial development of Europe has been also possible thanks to the ESPON efforts. Theyregional policy, structural policy, spatial development

    Economization of spatial planning. The case of Poland’s Spatial Development Concept

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    At the regional (subnational) level spatial planning has remained firm mainly in its land use aspects. Despite of pretty advanced legislation in Poland requiring each self-government region to prepare spatial planning outlines based on regional-socio economic strategies (both of indicative nature) the regional governments have gradually moved (in terms of human resources, interest of regional politicians) from think-tank (strategy making) position to bodies managing structural funds for given territories. More efficient communication of spatial planning messages, making spatial planning concepts better understood by those who shape the space by their routine decisions is only the first step towards combating the so-called stalemate of spatial planning. Despite of being very interdisciplinary spatial planning must become more opened to the co-operation and use the results from different fields of science.regional policy, spatial development, Poland

    Economic Debate On Spatial Functional Linkages And Its Application to Key Spatial Development Challanges In Poland

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    This article presents a synthesis of today's world economic knowledge and the results of the analyses concerning: a) the nature of spatial functional linkages, including network structures, b) diversity of approaches concerning the application of spatial structures in the policies of encouraging the macro-level economic development of territorial units. This debate has been applied for discussing concrete dilemmas of spatial development of Poland i.e. the concept of polycentric metropolis. Such metropolis is a key part of the spatial development strategy for Poland i.e. Concept of National Spatial Development drawn up in 2008-2011 defining the objectives and priorities of the national spatial policy until 2030. Moreover, the article points to issues that require further research and deep analyses.spatial concentration, agglomeration patterns, spatial development, spatial policy

    Applying conclusions of the new economic geography for supporting elaboration of the spatial development strategies in the Baltic Sea Region

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    Spatial development policies are frequently elaborated without sufficient economics concern. This paper aims at testing possibilities opened by concepts of the “new economic geography” to verify assumptions of decision makers from the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) countries on the negative impacts of the still existing transport barriers on regional (i.e. Baltic) integration and cohesion. For that purpose the analysis of relative concentration of the employment in regional and sector disaggregation. has been used. The research has shown how great the difficulties, piling up before an economist willing to examine issues of spatial development in the setting of pan-European regions are. Therefore it was hardly possible to reject the hypotheses on positive influence of development of transport infrastructure on regional integration and cohesion in the BSR.absolute concentration, entropy indices of concentration, Gini coefficients of concentration, new economic geography, relative concentration

    Measuring the blue economy in the EU: The Polish experience

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    It is generally agreed that the blue economy and blue growth play important roles in the global economy; over the last few years, they have been widely discussed at both national and international levels. Nevertheless, there is a lack of consensus on how to measure them, as the accounting methodologies differ between studies, implying divergent results. This article summarizes previous studies by comparing blue economy accounting methodologies and highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. Based on the comparison, a new methodology is proposed, based primarily on micro- and country-specific local data; this new methodology has been applied to measure the size of the blue economy in Poland. The results show that previous analyses have slightly underestimated the size of the blue economy in Poland, despite similarities concerning general dynamics and sectoral structure over time. The study concludes that a trade-off exists between using existing one-size-fits-all methods and country-specific methods, with a more precise, tailored approach being achieved at the expense of the accuracy of cross-country comparisons. Finally, the study highlights that, as there is no unambiguous solution to the problem of the above trade-off, different methods should be used with regard to the choice of method depends on the specific research task to be carried out or policy question to be addressed

    Pancoast tumor-like primary lung lymphoma

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    Okolica szczytu płuca jest wyjątkowo rzadką lokalizacją pierwotnych chłoniaków oskrzela. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek zaawansowanego pierwotnego chłoniaka szczytu lewego płuca rozpoznanego podczas badań przesiewowych u 72-letniej bezobjawowej pacjentki. Przezskórna biopsja cienkoigłowa nie przyniosła rozpoznania histopatologicznego. Było to powodem wykonania otwartej biopsji płuca, w której wykazano obecność zmian charakterystycznych dla chłoniaka B-komórkowego o niskiej złośliwości, marginal zone lymphoma (BALTL); CD20+, CD3-. Zastosowano leczenie skojarzone: 9 cykli chemioterapii i napromienianie masy resztkowej, co pozwoliło na uzyskanie długotrwałej całkowitej remisji.Apical lung location of lymphomas is extremely rare and may pose diagnostic problems. Here we present a case of advanced primary Pancoast-like left apical lung lymphoma incidentally diagnosed in a 72 year old asymptomatic woman after a routine, prophylactic chest X-ray performed in June 2005. FNB was not diagnostic therefore an open lung biopsy was attempted. Histopathological examination of the excised specimen was consistent with B-cell low-grade marginal zone extranodal NHL (BALTL); CD20+, CD3-. Treatment combined of 9 cycles of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy of the residual mass allowed to achieve a long-term complete remission

    Scenariusze rozwoju metropolii Gdańsk–Gdynia–Sopot

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    W 2006 roku ukazał się artykuł profesorów Markowskiego i Marszała porządkujący podejście do badania fenomenu wielkich miast i ich obszarów funkcjonalnych [Markowski, Marszał, 2006]. Pojawił się on na kanwie żywej w tym okresie dyskusji dotyczącej zjawiska metropolizacji w naszym kraju zapoczątkowanej prawie dwie dekady temu przez luminarzy polskiej nauki. Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi z jednej strony aplikacyjną, tj. opartą na konkretnym studium przypadku, kontynuację rozważań wspomnianych na wstępie autorów na temat metropolizacji w Polsce, z drugiej – wkład do debaty o polskiej metropolii sieciowej w jej policentrycznym wymiarze

    Impact of proliferative stress on both adaptive and innate immune response

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    Human ageing is by far one of the most complex biological phenomena which affects all cells and tissues, leading to gradual loss of function, decrement in proliferative activity, and impaired cellular response. One of the key mechanisms of cellular ageing is proliferative stress which results in telomeric attrition, DNA damage, and deposition of senescence-associated proteins. Allogeneic hematopoietic cells transplantation (allo-HCT) serves as a good model for cellular ageing. Here we review the ageing of the immune system and the impact of proliferative stress on both innate and adaptive immune response, reflected by immunosenescence and inflammageing phenomena, in the context of iatrogenic proliferative stress induced by allo-HCT.Human ageing is by far one of the most complex biological phenomena which affects all cells and tissues, leading to gradual loss of function, decrement in proliferative activity, and impaired cellular response. One of the key mechanisms of cellular ageing is proliferative stress which results in telomeric attrition, DNA damage, and deposition of senescence-associated proteins. Allogeneic hematopoietic cells transplantation (allo-HCT) serves as a good model for cellular ageing. Here we review the ageing of the immune system and the impact of proliferative stress on both innate and adaptive immune response, reflected by immunosenescence and inflammageing phenomena, in the context of iatrogenic proliferative stress induced by allo-HCT

    Valuation of marine areas for merchant shipping: an attempt at shipping spatial rent valuation based on Polish Marine Areas

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    As part of the progressive process of extending spatial plans to cover an increasing number of marine areas, with the aim of objectively balancing the interests of various users of the marine area, it has become necessary to establish the value of marine areas as a yardstick or determinant of the user group for which a given marine area is of greater value. This study seeks to fill a research gap by attempting to develop a method to calculate the value of marine areas for the commercial shipping industry. This is done to make it possible in the future to prepare the ground for policy regulating the spatial rent of the sea, whose most important users are shipowners and their ships. We use the homogeneous basin of the Polish Marine Areas (PMA) in the Baltic Sea. Based on a literature review, we conclude that such a method does not exist, posing a significant challenge in the process of marine/maritime spatial planning (MSP) and maritime policy formulation. Conducting an in-depth analysis of 2020 data on ship traffic in the basin noted above, combined with a financial analysis of shipowners’ operating costs and profitability indicators, we can determine the value of marine areas both in aggregate for all shipping in the studied basin and for each of the five segments of shipping – the bulk cargo, ro-ro cargo, container, tanker, and passenger segments. In addition, through a dynamic analysis of ship traffic, it is possible to determine the value of sea area in Polish seawaters per unit of area (1 km²) at the average level and for the five specified market segments. The obtained values show that the total profits of shipowners in the Polish Marine Areas, which are at the level of more than EUR 103 million per year, and the average value of profits per 1 km² of marine area used by a ship provide future decision-makers with an objective point of reference to shape future policies for the fiscalization of public space, including the sea

    EU territory and policy-making: from words to deeds to promote policy integration

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    This paper addresses recent developments in the area of EU territorial cohesion. A first section is dedicated to the emergence of the place-based approach as a new paradigm of the EU cohesion policy, and the subsequent need for vertical, horizontal and territorial integration of policies. In a second step, progress recently made in the framework of the EU Territorial Agenda revision process towards a better understanding of, and recognition of the need for, territorial cohesion and policy integration is commented upon. Finally, a case is made for tangible steps to be taken to reform formal EU policy making, to strengthen the territorial dimension of both the overall policy approach and relevant sectoral policies